Orthodox Journey to Pascha – Palm Sunday

“Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”. Today, our Church celebrates Palm Sunday, the day that our Lord triumphantly entered Jerusalem.

In this podcast, Fr George Liangas, Parish Priest at St Nectarios Greek Ort

Orthodox Journey to Pascha – St Mary of Egypt

On the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, our Church commemorates St Mary of Egypt.

St Mary is a true model of repentance – an example of the extreme actions that are sometimes necessary for us to flee from sin and embrace our calling as children of God. Her

Orthodox Journey to Pascha – The Ladder of Divine Ascent

On the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent, our Church commemorates St John of the Ladder. St John is famous for writing “The Ladder of Divine Ascent”, one of the most well-known spiritual texts in Orthodox Christianity.

In this podcast, Fr Dimitri Kokkinos, P

Orthodox Journey to Pascha – Sunday of the Holy Cross

On the Third Sunday of Lent, our Church commemorates the Life-Giving Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Gospel reading of the day, the Lord says “If anyone wishes to come after me; let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”.

What do

Orthodox Journey to Pascha – St Gregory Palamas

On the Second Sunday of Lent, our Church celebrates St Gregory Palamas, the great 14th century theologian. St Gregory was a monk on Mt Athos and subsequently Archbishop of Thessaloniki, where he defended Orthodoxy from a number of heresies. 

This podca

Orthodox Journey to Pascha – Sunday of Orthodoxy

This podcast discusses some of the messages taken from the Epistle and Gospel readings of the first Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of Orthodoxy. These include the reality that all who recognise Christ as Lord will endure hardships and struggles, and the

Orthodox Journey to Pascha – Forgiveness Sunday

To start the Journey to Pascha for 2021, we sit down with Dr John Psarommatis, president of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society. In this podcast, Dr John explains how to approach the Lenten period and the opportunities that this time in the Church calend

Journey to the Nativity: St Basil

In his studies in Athens, Saint Basil the Great was said to only know two roads – from home to the University and from home to the Church. In this podcast, we can better learn how to prioritise Christ through St Basil’s life and writings.

Journey to the Nativity: St Stephanos

The life of Saint Stephen (or Stephanos) was one of service. As a Deacon, he served the Church, and he served Christ throughout his life. This podcast explains how we can better serve Christ in our lives.