Details for 2025 Sunday School Camp will be posted here soon.

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, the Greek Orthodox Christian Society organises the Annual Sunday School Camp. All children in years 4-6 at school and aged 9-12 are invited to attend the 3-day retreat.

This camp is an excellent opportunity for our children to gain a stronger appreciation for, and the practice of, our Christian Orthodox faith. It aims to build on our children’s knowledge of Orthodoxy and will allow them to experience the richness and fullness of our faith in an enjoyable and an exciting atmosphere. This “Orthodox Adventure” endeavours to assist our younger generation in developing a deeper understanding of our beliefs, customs and culture. It also offers an excellent opportunity to meet and make friends with other young Orthodox Christians. During the course of these 3 days, the Sunday School teachers of our parishes will lead the various groups in interesting discussions of a spiritual nature, Bible studies, craft activities, many games and other challenges. A Divine Liturgy will also be another highlight, which will be celebrated on the Wednesday morning of the camp.

When: 15-17 July 2024

Depart: 8:15 am Monday 15 July from All Saints Church, Belmore (Bus will depart 8:30AM sharp)

Return: 4:30 pm Wednesday 17 July at the Orthodox Mission Centre, 217 Bexley Rd Kingsgrove (NOTE different location to departure)

Where: The Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Tops

Eligibility: Children must be currently in years 4-6 at school, and must be aged between 9-12 years as of 31/12/2024.

Cost: $340 (includes accomodation, meals, activities, transport) Payment is made via credit card at the time of registration. Payments are refundable up to the 1st July 2024.

Registrations close 11th July 2024.

This year, parents are invited to experience a taste of the Sunday School Camp at the closure of the camp. At 3:30 pm on Wednesday 17 July, parents and families are invited to the Orthodox Mission Centre in Kingsgrove where the Children will present to their parents what they learnt and experienced at the camp. This will finish at around 4:30 pm and parents are to take their children home.

A Parent Information Session will be held on Thurday 20 June at 7 pm. A brief presentation will be made about the Sunday School Camp and any questions can be answered. The Information Session will be held at the Orthodox Mission Centre at 217 Bexley Rd, Kingsgrove.

Registrations for the 2024 Sunday School Camp are now closed. Registrations will be accepted until Sunday 11th July 2024. Camp payment is fully refundable up to the 1st July 2024. Any cancellations after 1st July 2024 will not be refunded.