Journey to the Nativity: Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple
In this Podcast, Kosmas Kokkinos explores the events celebrated in the Feast of the Presentation of the Theotokos and how this Feast foretells God’s blessing for the human race, the preaching of salvation, and the promise of the coming of Christ.
Journey to the Nativity: Christ in Creation
As we embark on our journey towards the Nativity of Christ, Professor Socrates Dokos invites us on a journey further back in time to the beginning of the cosmos. In this talk, he reflects on the role that Christ played in the creation of the world itself,
Journey to the Nativity: Q&A with Dr John Psarommatis
In this episode, Dr. John Psarommatis discusses some of the most important questions in our preparation for Nativity, including what messages we can draw from Christ’s incarnation and what obstacles prevent us from experiencing the true joy of Christmas.
November 1 – 7th Sunday of Luke
Contains reflections on the Gospel reading by Loukia Giannakopoulos, the life of St David of Evia by Stefanos Stavropoulos, and spiritual reflections by George Pasas.
October 25th – 6th Sunday of Luke
Contains reflections on the Gospel reading by Joanne Anagnostopoulos, the life of St Dimitrios by Dimitrios Stivaktas, and spiritual reflections by Panayioti Constanti.
October 18th – 5th Sunday of Luke
Contains reflections on the Gospel reading by Odysseus Coustas, the life of St Longinus the Centurion by Nathan Pasas, and spiritual reflections by Panayiota Filadites.
October 11th – Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council
Contains reflections on the Gospel reading by Tony Anthony, the life of Saint Pelagia by Maria Stavropoulos, and spiritual reflections by Greg Coustas.
October 4th – 2nd Sunday of Luke
Contains reflections on the Gospel reading by Anna Demetriou and the life of St Andrew the fool for Christ by Yiangos Kokkinos.
September 27th – 1st Sunday of Luke
Contains reflections on the Gospel reading by Elpitha Sergis, the life of St John the Theologian by Arsenios Magdas, and spiritual reflections on prayer by George Pasas.
September 20th – Sunday after the Holy Cross
Contains reflections on the Gospel reading in Greek by Professor Michael Anthony, the birth of Saint John the Baptist by Vassilia Kokkinos, and the Miraculous Icon of Panagia Mytirdiotissa by Eleutheria Kambourakis.